Областное государственное автономное учреждение здравоохранения
Томский областной онкологический диспансер
Контакт-центр: +7 (3822) 909-505
Адрес: г. Томск, пр. Ленина, 115

Tomsk Regional Oncology Center

State Regional Autonomous Budget Health Care Institution "Tomsk Regional Oncology Center" is a center dedicated to providing care to patients with cancer in Tomsk Region.

Tomsk Regional Oncology Center is a comprehensive establishment based in diagnostic and treatment sites occupying 8774,6 m2. Tomsk Regional Oncology Center divisions include: Organization and Methodology Department, Outpatient Department with 380 patient visits per shift, 86-bed Oncology (Surgery) Department, 78-bed Radiation and Drug Therapy Department, 70-bed Day Clinic, Anatomic Pathology Department with a team of cytotechnologists, Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory.

Departments and Divisions

1. Organization and Methodology Department: The Organization and Methodology Department is dedicated to seeking ways to improve cancer care provided both to adult and children populations in Tomsk Region, to organizing and supervising cancer control in the territory of Tomsk Region, to keeping record of malignant lesions and diseases by introducing population-based cancer registry by location.

2. Outpatient Department: The staff is organized into various subspecialty groups (breast care, urology, surgery, gynecology, dermatology, pediatric oncology, radiation therapy) to provide consultative services.
The Outpatient Department offers:
  • Ultrasound, endoscopic examination (bronchoscopy, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, cystoscopy, and colposcopy), all types of X-ray examination, including mammography.
  • State-of-the-art laboratory screening and diagnostic services, including immunohistochemistry.
  • Treatment strategies are defined by a team of dedicated professionals of the following specialties: chemotherapist, surgeon, radiation oncologist, medical oncologist.
3. Inpatient Department:

The 86-bed Oncology Department provides surgical procedures in the following surgical subspecialties: general oncology, abdominal oncology, gynecologic oncology, thoracic oncology, urologic oncology, colorectal cancer. The Oncology Department is staffed by oncologists with specialized training and skills meeting the standards of cancer treatment.
Surgical options for cancer treatment include: conservative surgery, reconstructive surgery, endoscopic surgery. Photodynamic therapy is being introduced into clinical practice.
The Department of Radiation Oncology offers radiation therapy or a combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy or hormone therapy, adjuvant and neoadjuvant antineoplastic therapy as a stage of cancer treatment.

4. Day Clinic:

The Day Clinic provides advanced outpatient antineoplastic treatment for patients who need chemotherapy and hormone therapy.

5. Department of Anatomic Pathology with a team of cytotechnologists:

The Department of Anatomic Pathology provides morphological evaluation (cytology and cytopathology) of malignant lesions on obligatory basis. The Department of Anatomic Pathology performs molecular genetic testing (immunohistochemistry) for early detection of malignant lesions and diseases and monitoring and evaluation of chemotherapy.

6. Department of Clinical Pathology:

The Department of Clinical Pathology is responsible for performing clinical (microchemical), hematology, clinical biochemistry, coagulation, immunology tests, including:
  • Detection of viruses with oncogenic potential of certain types of cancer;
  • Detection of infectious agents as cancer risk factors; 
  • Detection of tumor markers using the ELISA method.
7. Diagnostics at Tomsk Regional Oncology Center is provided using X-ray facility, including stationary and mobile mammography units, advanced-level ultrasound machines, up-to-date video endoscopy systems.

Contact information:
115 Lenina Ave., Tomsk 634050, Russia
Phone: +7(3822) 909-500, Fax: +7 (3822) 515-208, Mobile: +7 (913) 821-63-00